Tuesday, November 09, 2010

NaBloPoMo - Blog Post #9

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." - Psalm 42:1

This is such a simple passage, but definitely one of my favorites because of the image it conjures up. I don't think I've ever seen a deer panting, but I have seen a dog panting - it's a hot day, he's been running around the yard playing, and he's so thirsty, his tongue is hanging out of his mouth and he can hardly catch his breath. I imagine it is a similar scenario with a deer.
When a deer is so thirsty that he (or she) is panting, that deer will stop at nothing until he finds a source of water. Nothing in the world is more important than getting that drink of water.
I always think about that image when I hear this verse. The same way that a deer will stop at nothing to get that drink of water, so our souls should stop at nothing until we get that Living Water that is God. God is the only thing that will quench our spiritual thirst, and He does that through His word, and through our prayers. This verse is almost like my personal "mission statement." This is the way that I constantly want to live - panting for God's Living Water. I confess that sometimes I don't always live that way, but I try to keep focused and remember that no matter what, God is everything that I will ever need.

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