Monday, November 15, 2010

NaBloPoMo - Blog Post #15

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." - Ephesians 6:10

My youth group students will know why this is one of my favorite verses. This is the "theme verse" to our Sunday night youth group, which we aptly named "610." I love that we picked this verse as our theme because it is such a great reminder of God's power.
So many of our students are going through struggles in their lives. In fact, probably every single one of our students is struggling with something. When we remind them that God is sovereign and that he has more power than any of us can ever imagine, and that he is in total control of whatever is going on in their lives, it gives them hope. They may not always understand it, but they know that there is a God who loves them deeply and has them in his mighty hand. Whatever we are going through, we have the strength through God to overcome it.
So, here's to my 610 guys rock!

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