Saturday, November 27, 2010

NaBloPoMo - Blog Post #27

"But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be." - 1 Corinthians 12:8

The "body" Paul is referring to here is not an actual physical body, but rather, the body of believers. Every person has a special place in the body. We are all one in body, but we all represent different parts. God gave us each special talents and abilities so that collectively, we can carry out the works that God has commissioned us to. Think about it, if all of us had the ability to be pastors, there would be no one to shepherd. If all of us had the ability to play guitar and sing, who would play all the other instruments in the world? At work, we have a saying that says, "None of us is as good as all of us." That means that none of us is as good on our own as we all are together. That works the same way for the body of Christ. We can't do it alone, so God has surrounded us with other believers who can help us on our way. And according to this verse, God has arranged us just the way he wants us. Like I have been saying all along, God's plan is perfect. I know a lot of us say things like, "I wish I could sing like her," or, "I wish I could preach like him," etc. But the truth is, God gave you specific and special talents and skills for a reason, and it's perfect! Maybe your talent is playing an instrument, maybe it is caring for children, maybe it is cooking, maybe it is hospitality, maybe it is writing. Whatever it is, it is special and perfect because that is exactly how God wanted you to be. No one can do everything, which is exactly how God wanted it. So I encourage you, whatever your talent or ability is, embrace it, thank God for it, and get out there and use it!

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