Monday, December 07, 2009

Do I Have a Great Husband or What?

Ok, here's another one where I have to give you the background before I tell you the actual story.
So, here at our house, we have a tiny basement that is big enough to hold a washer, dryer, and a bit of storage space. The basement is damp and dark, and not very, well, friendly. So, lately, there have been a bunch of these guys hopping around down there:
This, my friends, is a camel cricket. They particularly like damp, dark places...just like our basement! Lucky us! When I first saw one of these yucky creatures, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I sprayed it with bug spray and it jumped right at me! So, needless to say, I am a bit apprehensive about going down in the basement for fear that I might encounter a dreaded camel cricket.
The only reason I need to go down in the basement is to do laundry, which is the one chore that I despise. It takes me for-e-ver to do a load of laundry. First of all, I hate going in the basement. Second of all, once I actually get down there and start the wash, I forget about it and it sits in there for a day or two. Then once I finally get everything dry and folded, it takes me at least another day or two to get it put away. Then, by the time that's all over, it's time to do laundry again. Sigh.
So, I told you all that to tell you this. I came home today feeling worn out and tired, knowing that I had a huge load of laundry to do, and Evan would be at school so there would be no one to kill the bugs in the basement for me. Well, I go to the fridge to get a drink, and what do I see? This:
Evan is so sweet. He knows I hate going down to the basement, and he also knows I hate doing laundry. What a great guy I have!