Thursday, November 06, 2008

Watching "Ghost Hunters"

Every Wednesday night, I am home alone from the time I get home from work until about 11:45pm. Evan is at school during this time, so I consider this "me" time. During said time, one of my favorite shows, "Ghost Hunters" is on. In case you don't know anything about the show, it's basically a group of (mostly) guys that go investigate supposedly haunted houses. They videotape, do voice recordings, use thermal imagaing, all that good stuff. Then they watch all the tapes, listen to all the audio, and pull out anything they believe to be "paranormal" and then bring it to show the homeowner or whoever owns the building they are in.
Last night, they were showing the results from the live broadcast they did on Halloween. I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in demons and they are capable of doing some crazy things. While they were showing the results, they had caught three separate incidents of one of their investigators getting his coat tugged on by an unseen entity. There didn't appear to be anything like fishing line or like they somehow faked it. Ok, so I'm a little freaked out.
The second thing they caught was what they call EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). This is where they have a digital recorder and they ask random questions and hope to catch voices that cannot be heard by the naked ear. Twice they caught a "inhuman" voice saying, "You're not supposed to be here." rather angrily. Ok, now I'm REALLY freaked out!!! I was really missing Evan, and he wasn't due to come home for another 2 hours!
I had to change the channel. I don't know how real everything was, but it freaked me out.
Let this be a lesson to all you wives....don't watch Ghost Hunters alone at night.

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