Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day!!!

Ah yes, another 4 years have gone by and election day is here again. They say two things you should never talk about is religion and politics. Which is precisely why I regretfully did not go out and vote today. I rarely ever watch the news, and I especially do not follow politics. Therefore, since I did not know nearly enough about either candidate, I felt that my vote would not be fair. Besides, voting for the President is just a glorified high school popularity contest. Why do you think John McCain chose Sarah Palin? I know that there are plenty of people that will yell at me and tell me that it is un-American to not vote (most of them in my family), but that is not the case here. I don't feel that it would be right for me to vote because I am not knowledgeable enough about either candidate.
It would not be fair of me to vote for Obama because he is better looking.
I'll come down off my soapbox now.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I didn't vote either. Mainly because I forgot to request an absentee ballot (I assumed Josh was going to let me know when to do that and he didn't - that's right, I'm blaming him). I don't feel bad about it either, because I don't follow politics and I would have made an uninformed choice anyways. And looking at the results from our state, I don't think my vote would have mattered either way. :)