Saturday, November 08, 2008

Forgot to Post Yesterday!!

I was out all day yesterday and when I finally got home, I went right to bed and didn't post a blog for the day! So, I will be posting two blogs to make up for my loss yesterday.

So...what was I doing all day yesterday, you ask? Well, I went with 20 students from our youth group to my first ever paintball trip! I got up at 6:45am and threw on some clothes so Karl and I could go get the rental van that I would get the privilege of driving. I was hoping to get the black one, but sadly, they gave me the red one. Poo.
We left church at about 8:15 and headed for Jim Thorpe, PA. The drive was about an hour and 45 minutes. Loooong drive! And I discovered that Karl is not a good driver when he's driving the church van.
We finally got there - by the way, this place is called Skirmish, in case you ever want to go - and we had to check in and get all the gear and stuff. I wasn't planning on playing, so I had to sign a waiver that said, if I get hit with a paintball, I can't sue. I was planning on taking pictures of the kids getting lit up with paint balls.
We took the hike up the hill to get the guns and masks and stuff. They even gave me a mask and a bright orange crossing-guard-type vest so I could walk on the fields to take pictures, and the kids wouldn't shoot me.
There are over 50 playing fields at this place. It is amazing. Here we are at "Tippmann City" - the first playing field. They played a total elimination game.

Then we went to "The Castle," where they played a capture the human flag game.

Then we went into "The Thicket" where they played a Kill the President game. Karl was the President and he won the game without a splatter of paint on him.

Then, they went to this field called "The Pentagon" where they played capture the flag.

Lastly, they went to "The Airfield" where they basically played a game where they could waste the rest of their ammo. They played a game where if they got out, they had to come tag me and I could "respawn" them.

It was a good day. Next year, I will definitely play. But I was glad I got such good pictures.

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