Friday, November 28, 2008

Bad News

So Evan and I met with our mortgage guy this week, and we started crunching some numbers. We had already been pre-approved for the mortgage, so we were optimistic. So, the guy asked us a bunch of questions, we started putting the numbers together, and we realized that we cannot afford the house. Well, we can afford the house, but nothing else. Plus after seeing the house again when we got the house inspected opened my eyes to a lot of things. The house needs a lot of work. There is foundational damage that needs repairing, the windows need replacing, the outlets and electrical work needs replacing, there is some sort of asbestos in the basement. The list goes on...
Of course, our realtors are going to do everything they can to try to make the sale, but after careful thought and prayer, I'm not even sure I want this house anymore. There's too much work that needs to be done, and we can't afford it. And all that was counting on the fact that our families would help us out with the down payment. I hate begging for money because I'm a big girl and I should be able to take care of myself. And, even if we did get some help with the down payment, it wouldn't help with the monthly payments.
It all just seemed too good to be true. All the signs seemed to point in the right direction. Maybe this is a lesson in perseverance or patience. Maybe God has something even better in store for us. Who knows. But please, keep praying for us - this is not going to be easy.
So long house...we hardly knew ye.


Beth said...

I'm sorry Aubrey. That has to be disappointing. I'm sure God does have something even better in store for you guys. Just keep trusting.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. :-( I hope the next step becomes clear and that you guys have peace.


BillF said...

Hey Sweety,

Sorry you missed the house. But God has something even better in store. Keep looking up and He will direct your hands to the right place.

Love Dad