Monday, December 22, 2008

10 Things....

10 Things I Love About Christmas:
(In no particular order)

1. Celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior
2. Getting pleasantly surprised by presents I didn't ask for
3. Being with my family
4. Snuggling with Evan after all the presents are unwrapped
5. Cooking an awesome meal
6. Watching Christmas specials (The Grinch, Rudolph, Frosty, etc.)
7. Singing Christmas carols
8. Watching "A Christmas Story" for the millionth time
10. The joy of seeing other people open the gifts you got them

10 Things I Hate About Christmas:
(In no particular order)

1. The commercialization of everything
2. The fact that Christmas starts showing up before Halloween now
3. People willing to kill each other over a Christmas gift or a spot in the checkout line
4. Santa Clause
5. Feeling fat after just eating that awesome meal
6. Wrapping gifts
7. Faking a smile after you just received a hideous gift
8. Shopping
9. When Christmas is in the middle of the week (guess there's not much I can do about that though)
10. Seasonal affective disorder

1 comment:

Brian said...

5 things I like about Aubrey...
1. She is a Christian
2. Has stayed married to my sometimes moody nephew.
3. She can cook.
4. She may be short on the outside but is tall on the inside.
5. She is optimistic about better things coming.
6. Is the only relative that will every-once-in-while chat on line with me.
7. Serves in her local church (ding!)
8. A hard worker and ambitious.
9. Knows where to draw the line and it is usually in the right place.
10. Has a decent blog.

Keep it up.
Uncle Brian