Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday Night

I got the unique opportunity to relive my college days last night for just a few hours. Evan was asked to be a guest speaker at a film class at Raritan Valley Community College. The professor that teaches the class was Evan's professor when he took the class, and they are now good friends. So, the professor (Mark) asked Evan to come in and share his insights on movies with the class.
Now, anyone that knows Evan knows that he is freakin' brilliant when it comes to film. He always wins the Oscar pools, and he has a ton of movies in his DVD collection...everything from Apocalypse Now to Zoolander. So I went with him for moral support. He did this same thing last year for the same class, and I went then too. It's fun for me because I get to experience what it would be like if Evan were a professor, and I get to put my two sense in too. The class asks him questions, and he gets them really engaged in what he's saying.
Evan began talking about the film as a subversive art, and the discussions grew from there. We eventually got to talking about horror movies - of which I am a big fan. And anyone that knows Evan knows he is a HUGE fan of horror movies. Not just because they are cool and gross or scary, but because they say so much. And I'm not talking about movies like "Final Destination" where it is just about cool ways for people to die. I'm talking about REAL horror movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th. Campy and a bit cheesy? Yes, but good nonetheless. We talked about the portrayal of women in horror movies and Mark asked my opinion, so I got a chance to share how much I love horror movies.
The class ended up talking so much that we actually went almost an hour overtime. I felt so proud of Evan. He is so stinkin' smart, and he doesn't give himself enough credit. It has gotten to the point where Evan is the only movie critic I trust. Of course, I have my owen guilty pleasures like "A Bug's Life" or "The Devil Wears Prada," but I have such a deeper appreciation of movies after being with Evan. There's so much going on in a movie that the average Joe does not realize.
Evan even got an article of his published in the Brooklyn Rail! If you would like to check it out, visit and look under "Japanese Cult Cinema and Abjection"

It was good to be back in the classroom, especially with my husband as the professor. I must admit though, I don't miss school whatsoever!

1 comment:

Svenn said...

Did he wear a tweed jacket with suede elbow patches? Maybe smoke a pipe for effect, thats what I would do :)