Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sick Days

Well, I managed to go all winter without getting sick. Everyone around me got sick, including colleagues at work, family members, and friends. People were dropping like flies while I skated by with my health in tact. Usually, at the beginning of winter I get a cold due to the drastic weather changes, but not this time. 
But alas, my reign of health came to and end last Wednesday. I woke up to a minor sore throat and a feeling of congested-ness. I let my supervisor know that I would most likely be taking a sick day the next day, and did I ever. The next day I awoke to an even sorer throat, more congestion, itchy eyes and achy all over. So I stumbled to my laptop, switched it on and sent the e-mail I had saved in my "drafts":  "Aubrey out sick. Call if you need me. NNTO" (NNTO stands for no need to open, in case you were wondering.) And that was that. I was officially SICK. 
That same night, I had committed to babysitting my pastor's kids overnight. Though I still felt lousy, I went over their house anyway. I told the kids ahead of time that I might not be as fun as I usually am due to the fact that I am really sick. They understood - I love them. I had anticipated not going to a work a second day (Friday). So, I woke up from a horrible night's sleep, got the kids ready, took them to school and headed home to send out another e-mail: "Aubrey still sick - staying home. Call if you need me. NNTO" I didn't even go to Cellar Friday night. Which prompted a bunch of the students to text me telling me they hope I feel better. That made me smile. 
I hate being sick. It is so debilitating. Even though it is good to get rest, I hate to just lie in bed all day. But that's what I did. I am feeling a bit better today. My sore throat is gone (thank GOD), but my nose is sooo clogged. I can't breathe, which also makes eating hard because I can't smell my food. My left eye is extremely itchy, so I believe that allergies have set in. 
Well, it was my time. I had managed to allude being sick all winter, and it finally got me. 
Happy Spring!!!


Svenn said...

hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get better too!
I was at the Boy Scout spagheti dinner last night. As I was introduced to people I became known as Aubrey and Evan's Uncle. Not such a bad rep after all!

Uncle Brian