Monday, March 09, 2009

And one more was added to their numbers

Last night at youth group, I got an opportunity to do something that I have never done before...I helped one of our students accept Christ!! I will not say her name here for her own privacy, but it was totally awesome.
Last weekend, as you know, we hosted the 30 Hour Famine. Saturday evening, right before it was time to eat, our Pastor came and gave a short message and also served communion to break our fast. He had offered what we call "the salvation message," and asked that anyone who wanted to accept Christ raise their hand while everyone had their eyes closed in prayer. 5 of our students raised their hands - woo hoo!! I took a mental note of who had their hand up, and later on, the youth leaders discussed a follow-up plan. There was only one girl who raised her hand, so I took the task to follow-up with her.
Last night was my chance. We had finished up youth group and there was some time left over, so I pulled her into a room (I think she thought she was in trouble!), and I started talking to her about her decision.
I asked her why she decided to raise her hand and if she knew what that meant. She said yes, and that she wanted to be a Christian. So, I explained that all she had to do was pray and ask God into her heart but that she also needed to acknowledge that she is a sinner and ask God to forgive her. We talked a little bit more, and then I asked if she was ready to pray. She seemed a little nervous, so we did the "repeat after me" prayer. I walked her through it, and just like that, she was saved! It was so cool!
I told her I would get her a bible, but she said she already had one. So, I encouraged her to read it and get to know a little more about what she had just done. And I told her that if she had any questions, she could certainly come to me.


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