Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Those Amish really know their stuff

Last Monday at work, I was given by my friends Tim and Matt, a bag that looked like this:

Just a plain Zip-Loc bag with a mushy, pale goo inside. Along with this bag, I was given directions and a recipe to follow for 10 days. This recipe was for Amish Friendship Bread (it's actually more of a coffee cake).
So, the idea is that for the first 4 days, all you do is mush the bag. Then on the 5th day, you add some ingredients. Then for 4 more days, you mush the bag some more. Then on the 10th day, you have to follow the recipe. The recipe creates 4 additional "starters," much like the bag I was handed last Monday, that you can give away to friends (hence the name). Once you have mixed all the ingredients together and baked it, you come out with this:

You go from a bag of goo, to a delectable cinnamon-sugary treat! If you can get your hands on a bag of goo - called a "starter" - I highly recommend it! And I'm no baker, and this came out good.
There are also recipes on the web to make your own starter, but it's just not as fun. The Amish got it goin' on!

1 comment:

Chris and Kelly said...

I feel so conflicted. I love delicious treats...especially those in bread form, however, I do not love waiting 10 days for my delicious bread treats. Hmmm, I believe the wait is probably worth it, but I think I might rather someone call me and tell me they just finished making the delicious bread treat and they would like me to have it because they are my friend!