Monday, April 20, 2009

Adventures at the Clinton Station Diner

That's right, it's time for another "Aubrey Adventure!" This time, we ventured all the way to the Clinton Station Diner, right off of Rt. 78 West.
Clinton Station Diner is famous for making the world's largest hamburger, called Mt. Olympus. This burger weighs in at an astonishing 50 lbs., and costs a whopping $250.00. However, if you and four friends can eat the whole thing in under 3 hours, it's free! Well, we were intrigued, but being that we were four girls with not-so-big appetites, we opted not to go for the mondo-burger. CSD also does burgers at 25 lbs., 7 lbs., 3 lbs., and 1 lb. They are all named after Greek gods - it's pretty funny.
So instead, we each got something delectable to eat on our own. I went for the hot pastrami sandwich:
Yum. Alge opted for a "normal" size hamburger, and ironically enough did not finish even half of it. Becky got a chicken fajita wrap, and Erin got cheesy ravioli. We even got to sit in the train-car part of the diner!
We were stuffed after we finished what we could of our food (good thing we didn't order the Mt. Olympus!) CSD did offer some yummy looking desserts, but instead, we decided to make this a double Aubrey Adventure and go to Stewart's for root beer floats. Halfway between CSD and Stewart's, I realized that I had left my jacket at the diner. By the way, why is it that every time you need to turn around on the highway, the next exit seems like it will never come?? So anyway, we turned around and the jacket was right where I left it. (Did anyone even clean the table after we left??) So, back to Stewart's we went. "Four small root beer floats!" we chirped to the girl at the window. They were so delicious. It brought back memories of working with my brother at our grandfather's factory, and we used to go to Stewart's for lunch.

This was probably my favorite Aubrey Adventure so far. The CSD was very good, and Stewart's was just like I remembered it. I'm so glad these girls are a part of my life - they all remind me of me when I was that age. Good times!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried George's Station Restaurant in Bound Brook?
It's right at the train station.
-Uncle Brian