Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Got my haircut...

It was time. On the plane home from St. Louis, I noticed that I had lots and lots of split ends in my hair. I am trying to grow it out, which is taking forever, and now will take even longer because I cut my hair. I had a picture for reference so that my hairdresser had no excuse.

I will admit that I am a stickler for a bargain, especially when it comes to something like a haircut. So, yes, I go to Great Clips. Can't beat $12 for a haircut!

Now, the question boggling my mind is this: Why is it so awkward to get your haircut? They put that cape over you and you feel like you've been tied to the chair. They always snap that thing around your neck just tight enough so that you're not choking to death. You tell them what you want to look like, and suddenly your life is in their hands (or scissors for that matter). If they screw up even a little bit, you are doomed to wear a hat or some ugly hair clip for the next two weeks until it grows back.
And why can you never think of anything to say to the hairdresser other than how great the weather's been? Granted, there are people out there who are like friends with their hairdresser (or barber) so you always have plenty to say. But otherwise, it is nearly impossible to come up with a discussion topic. My conversation with my hairdresser this time began with her asking me, "Do you have any plans?" How do I answer that? Of course I have plans! I have plans for tonight, plans for the weekend, plans for the future? Whadya wanna know honey? So I rebutted, "What, for tonight?" She answered, "Yeah, sure." I proceeded to tell her that I had minimal plans for the evening due to the fact that my husband was away at school for the night. Then we continued with menial small talk, and somewhere in there she called me "girlfriend" for some reason.
And why is it that once you get home from the haircutters, you can NEVER style it the way they did, and it will never look as good as you want it to again. Are they some kind of hair-wizards or something?

All in all she did a good job on my hair. It looked pretty close to the picture I had showed her. Once I got past the awkwardness, it was a pretty enjoyable experience. We'll see how my hair looks tomorrow once I get done with it.

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