Thursday, August 13, 2009

The End of an Era

I haven't done any "normal" blogging in a while because I have been so busy with New Jersey Fresh, but there was something that I just needed to blog about. And here it is.
Tomorrow (Friday), a student and good friend of mine is moving due to her father's job transfer. "What's so bad about that?" you may ask. Well, for starters, she is moving clear across the country to California, so there's slim chances of her coming back often for a visit. Secondly, I feel like a little part of myself if leaving with her. Her name is Alexandra, or to many of us, Alge (yep, like the stuff that grows on ponds). Alge reminds me a lot of myself when I was her age. She is a free spirit, friends with many, and always has her man, Steve, by her side. I've only known Alge for about 2 years when I first met her at youth group at our church. At first, I was just an observer, noticing that a lot of the students gravitated toward her. Not only is she pretty, but she is a fun person to be around and is generally just a likeable girl. Once I started to get to know her a little better, I realized how much I liked her as well.
It really started last year after we had taken the youth group paintballing. On the way home, we passed by Hot Dog Johnny's in Buttzville and another student, Becky, and I wanted to stop there. Well, we were out voted and were forced to go to McDonald's instead. So I said, "Becky, I will take you on a special trip to Hot Dog Johnny's someday soon, and we can make up for this." Becky enthusiastically agreed, and asked if her friends Erin and Alge could come along as well. "Of course!" I replied, and thus the Aubrey Adventure was born.
Since then, the Aubrey Adventures have included more people, like our friend Charlie, Alge's boyfriend Steve, the twins - Charlie and Joshua, our friend Jenn, and some others. They are always a good time, and all the while, we are building relationships with each other.
I am really going to miss Alge when she moves. I feel so privileged to have gotten to know her over these past 2 years. Thanks to things like Facebook and e-mail and cell phones, it is really hard to stay out of touch with someone, so I know that we will continue to keep in tough with Alge and look forward to the next time we see her.
I wish Alge the best of luck out in California, and I hope she knows that we all love her and care about her and I hope that God blesses her life the same way she has blessed ours.
Bye Alge!!!

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