Thursday, June 04, 2009

All Moved In

Can you believe it? We are finally all moved in to our new house!!! We rented a big ol' truck last Saturday and had a whole crew of people helping us move out of 11 Valleybrook Drive, and in to 244 South Lincoln Avenue. It has been grand so far.
We bought some living room furniture yesterday, without really meaning to. We found a great deal on a couch with a recliner, so we bought them. They will arrive here next Thursday.
My first meal cooked in my new kitchen was, what else, fried chicken. It was great. I have so much counter space it's ridonculous (that's the amplified version of ridiculous, in case you were wondering). Yesterday I made chicken marsala...mmmm. (I know what you're thinking, "Chicken two days in a row?" Well, chicken happens to be the only protein we have in the freezer right now, so we're making due with what we've got.)
The cats are slowly adapting to their new surroundings. When we first brought them here, they were PISSED. I mean, pissed. Josie did not even want to come out of the cat carrier. They spent the first night hiding under the bed. But over the past couple of days, they have discovered that they are not at the vet, and this new house is not so bad. Josie even managed to sneak outside on the porch to check out the front yard. Thankfully I caught her and shooed her back inside.
Little by little, the boxes are getting unpacked. The guest room is still a bit cluttered, but we will make sure it is ready for our first guests, which, if I'm not mistaken will be Christian and Kelly (yay!).
We just got internet hookup today, and we are still deciding what cable package we want to get. I sure do miss the Food Network. Thankfully, we have most of the Family Guys on DVD, so we've been watching those before we go to bed.
So far, this house has been great. This was a good thing for Evan and me. Hopefully, you will all be able to come over and visit us! I'll be posting some pictures of the house soon and what we've done with it so far.


Beth said...

Yay! What an exciting time. We can't wait to see pictures of it all done up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, pictures would be nice.
I think it is going to be tough getting a chair up to you guys so I am going to opt for the gift card.
Uncle Brian.