Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On Moving...or, Moving On. You decide.

As many of you know, Evan and I are moving to a new house by the end of the month. I can't tell you how excited I am to finally have a house that we can call our own! And if you have seen the pictures of the kitchen, you know that I am beside myself with all the room I am going to have. Who knows what culinary creations will come out of my new kitchen?!
I had to laugh when I started unpacking some of the kitchen stuff, because there are tons of things that have essentially been unused since we got married 4 years ago. As I was taking things out of the boxes, I would think to myself, "Wow, I forgot I had this!" or "Oh man, I have one of these!" It was great. I realized that I have pretty nice stuff!
However, amidst all the excitement and happiness, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know I have to pack, but I don't even know where to begin. We have so...much...stuff. We have already thrown out a lot of stuff, and yet there continues to be more of it! There is nothing like moving to help you weed out your essentials. I just realized yesterday how many stuffed animals we have. How and when did we acquire so many stuffed animals? (The cows don't count, they're part of my collection.)
All I can say is, thank God our new house is all one level. I hate trekking things up and down stairs, as I'm sure many of you can attest.
I am thankful, too, that we will be able to put the box spring back under our bed. This whole time, we have "ghetto rigged" our bed by putting sheets of plywood on the bed frame and praying every night that it doesn't cave in on us. Don't get me wrong, it has worked fine until now, but I am looking forward to having my real bed back.

Evan and I will be spending next Thursday through Sunday (May 28-31) moving in to our new home. If anyone has any moving tips, or would like to help out, feel free to stop by. You know where to find us. We may even treat you to a Rita's Italian Ice.

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