Thursday, May 21, 2009

Memorial Day Meme

1. What is your favorite thing to eat at a Memorial Day BBQ? If there's ribs, definitely that. If not, a hot dog with mustard and baked beans on top.

2. Do you have to work on Memorial Day? No, thank GOD.

3. If you answered no to question 2, how late do you plan on sleeping on Memorial Day? Probably until about 11am. We'll see.

4. What is the most number of BBQs you have ever been to on Memorial Day? Umm, I think 2. I'm usually the one hosting the BBQ.

5. Do you do the grilling at a Memorial Day BBQ? Heck yes. Well, I do the cooking. Usually I make Evan do the grilling...with my close supervision.

6. How many hamburgers do you think you can eat? Probably just one. I know Evan and Josh will put me to shame.

7. How many hot dogs can you eat? Definitely 2, if I don't eat anything else.

8. Do you believe that summer begins on Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day? But of course! I am from New Jersey after all.

9. What's you favorite thing to put on your hot dog? Chili & cheese!

10. Who does Memorial Day make you think about? All of our men and women in the service.

Now go have a hamburger and a hot dog!!!

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