Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things I love to come home to...

Wow, it has been a WHILE!! You must understand, I am so swamped right now with the food blog (or as Evan's Uncle Brian calls it, my "Recipe Ministry" - I LOVE that!), that I have not had time to do any normal blogging. But there are just some things that are so perfectly blog-worthy, that I just cannot help myself.
First, a preface:
Every morning, either myself or Evan will take food out of the freezer to thaw it out in time for dinner. You know, chicken, steak, shrimp, fish, etc. Whatever it is, it gets left on the kitchen counter to thaw out. If Evan is the food-taker-outer, I usually don't know what he has taken out until I get home from work. So then I must quickly concoct a meal to make that relates to whatever meat he has chosen for that day.
So, today Evan was the food-taker-outer and I was anxious to see what he had taken out so I could make something delicious. I came home to find no meat on the kitchen counter. "Hmm," I thought, "did he forget to take something out?" Then I turn to the fridge to get myself an after-work snack, and I see this note on the whiteboard hanging on our fridge:

And sure enough, I open the fridge and there were the shrimp...right where the board said they would be! Evan knows me well, because he knows I would have thought that he forgot to take something out if I didn't see anything on the counter. So, being the thoughtful man that he is, he wrote me this note on the whiteboard assuring me that he DID take something out, and it was waiting for me approximately right there in the fridge.
I have such a sweet husband, and I look forward to cooking up that shrimp for him. Maybe a shrimp scampi pasta? Yummmm.....

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